A lot of our customers frequently ask us for quick and easy DIY tips to maintain their cooling or heating systems in preparation for summer and winter.
In the video below, Pete talks about three quick tips to make sure your cooling system is working properly and efficiently for hot summer days!
Bonus Tip: Save this post so you can refer back to it next spring!
As always, if you have any questions you can call us at 603.430.9414 or send us a note HERE.
*The following is a transcription of the video.
Hey, guys. It’s Pete with East Coast HVAC. Customers frequently ask us for DIY tips on how to get the most out of their cooling systems. Today, I’m going to give you three quick tips to make sure your cooling system is working properly and efficiently summer after summer.
Tip #1
Turn your system on nice and early in the spring. By doing this, you’ll find out if there’s any issues well ahead of time and we can help you to resolve them. Turn your thermostat to cooling and turn the set point down. Within a few minutes, the outdoor unit should come on and you should have nice, cool air blowing from your vents. If neither of these things happen, you probably have an issue with your cooling system. By finding out nice and early, you leave plenty of time to resolve things before the real heat arrives. Don’t wait until it’s too late and you’ll save a bunch of money.
Tip #2
Check and change your air filter. If the system appears to be kicking on but isn’t quite cooling as much as you’d like it to, a lot of times, it’s as simple as a dirty air filter. Air filters are generally easy to replace, they’re inexpensive, and you can buy them at your local hardware store. For ductless systems, the same tip applies but the filter doesn’t need to be replaced. It just needs to be cleaned. Remove the air filter from the indoor heads and wash them out in the sink to let them dry and put them back in.
Tip #3
Make sure all of your supply and return vents are free and clear of obstructions. This may seem obvious but it happens all the time. Sometimes household items or a piece of furniture may have shifted covering up a return vent or a supply vent that’s critical for system performance. This reduces airflow and overall efficiency of the system so make sure that all of your vents are clear.
If you’ve tried these three tips and your system still isn’t performing, it’s time to call us! But remember, the sooner the better! Stay cool this summer!